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Friday, December 31, 2010

Hi, my name is Pixie!

Hi my name is Pixie
I moved into Howard Lodge 2 weeks ago.... Francesca also calls me 'Bundle of joy' and 'Streghetta'.  Spritz - my older sister - is not really very happy and does not want to play with me, but I hope that with time she will come around and we will become BFF!  Happy New Year every one!

Monday, December 27, 2010

A quiet relaxing day

... that is how Sunday started.  It was supposed to start snowing midday and the wind was really strong when we woke up.  We did few things around the house, had a nice 'leftover' lunch and then Nicoletta started building her ginger bread house.

Nicoletta busy decorating the house

Nicoletta at work

Some decorated pieces ready to be put together

And it was dinner time: we had decided to make our homemade pizza.  I rolled out the dough, nicoletta prepared the sauce, and then... this happened:

Close-up of the fingers after a visit to the emergency room

She does not look happy.... I wonder why???
 She cut herself cleaning the blender.... trip to the emergency room, 11 sutures later, we are back eating our pizza.... But wait, the oven decided at 11 that it did not feel like working, so we had to cook it on the small
toaster over that was using the same plug as the electric heater, so we blew a fuse... it was supposed to be a quiet, relaxing day...

Spritz LOVES her new Regency I2400 wood stove insert!

It's a Regency model I2400 and it's nice... and cozy... and warm!

Friday, December 24, 2010

First Christmas at Howard Lodge.

Merry Christmas to everyone!  This is our first Christmas at Howard Lodge and we are happy to
celebrate it in this house.  Tonight is going to be a quiet evening with just the four of us: Bernie, Nic, me and Spritz.  Tomorrow John and Angela are going to join us in the celebration. 
We are relaxing after a full day of wood chopping, cleaning and cooking...  We wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Here are some pictures:
Bernie the farmer cooking fish on Xmas Eve

Bernie the farmer with the fish!
Christmas Day we had a snow dusting in the morning, right when we had to go and feed the horses..  After that was a day of cooking, eating and opening gifts with John and Angela... 

Franesca feeding Xmas Treats to Luna and Messy

Fresh Pasta drying up like in a real italian kitchen!
The house is so old we need to wear our safety hats

Monday, December 20, 2010

A little more snow...

This past week-end we got some more snow... this time it was about 2 inches.. and this is the result:
Howard Lodge with the snow

Sunday, December 12, 2010

First snow at Howard Lodge...

I am sure we will see more snow than this, but Friday we got our first snow dust.  Yesterday morning it was a pretty sight and I went around taking few pictures.  We found out we have some more creature living around the property: two beautiful foxes were playing on the frozen pond....  Enjoy the pictures:

Foxes Playing on the pond
Closeup of foxes playing
Our Horses coming down for Breakfast: Luna, Shadow, Messy and Bricks!

Monday, December 6, 2010

November 2010, Helen & Jim Visit Howard Lodge

Here the boys are taking the new barn door down to be installed!

You can see more pictures here. Send an email to if you need the password.