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Saturday, December 26, 2015

...Long time without writing

It has been a really long time since I last blogged about our life here at Howard Lodge.  We have been really busy and lots of things has happened, some very nice some not so nice.  At the time of this writing Nicoletta is back in Italy, hopefully for only for a year.  We miss her very much, Spritz miss her even more.  Two years ago we lost Shadow, mostly due to age, and this past winter we lost Bricks.  This summer was a hard one for Messy and Luna: Messy lost an eye, Luna broke her hip, and then the worse event of all was Messy fracturing her right hind fetlock.  We still miss Miss Messy, but we got a new horse to keep Luna company... Things are still settling between the two: I believe that for now they tolerate each other.

I will try to post more often since I had fun looking back at the old posts and remembering things.